Important Administration Information

This is from our Administration Department, please read the entirety of this message.

If you have received your Validation Form please get them completed and sent to CI Koshman immediately. If you also have a Detailed Health Questionnaire to complete please mail it to the following address:

Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific)


PO Box 17000 Stn Forces

Victoria, BC V9A 7N2

Please email CI Koshman with the date you mailed the form to Victoria.

Once we begin in-person training or summer training you will NOT be able to take part until these forms are in.

If you have not received your Validation Form please have your parent (not you) email CI Koshman at with the following information:

  • Cadet Name
  • Permission to send forms by email
  • An email address to send it to

The forms will then be emailed to your parent, or you if they request that. On the form, you can make any changes to your information that is needed, sign and date the form and scan it and send it back to CI Koshman.

Please email if you have any questions.